This sermon was delivered to Dakota UU congregation in Eagan, Minnesota in 2025.
Category: Nurtured Spirits
Spiritual resources for families who love the Earth.
Morning Meander’s Samhain collection is on sale this week
Friends, I would love for folks to be able to walk along with the dogs and me using my Kindle book of Morning Meander poetry. It’s on a 99-cent sale this week, so that we can all walk, write, create, meditate, and pray together from September 23d to November 1.

Breaking Pattern
Hello, friends! Sgiobalta and I are delighted to let you know that our first collection of poetry has been released. Some of you have been reading the Morning Meander since those early days – here is one blessed season gathered together into one long reading.
Sacred Time Management
These worksheets were developed to accompany my Sacred Time Management workshop for adults. Please take and use them freely! To arrange to host the workshop for your group, please email me.
Memorial Day Sunday
Please enjoy this service, given May 26th at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Upper Vally. Â Feel free to print it out to take to folks when you go to visit.
Sudden Turn of Spring
Please enjoy this service, given March 17th, 2013 at the UU Congregation of the Upper Valley.
Thresholds, Gateways, and Crossroads
Please enjoy this service, presented at the UU Congregation of the Upper Valley on October 28th, 2012.
There and Back Again
This worship service was conducted on September 23d, 2012, at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Upper Valley.
2012.09.23Â There and Back Again.
This worship service and homily took place September 9th, 2012, at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Upper Valley.
Hiking Similar Trails
This sermon about James Fowler’s theory of spiritual development was delivered to the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Upper Valley, Norwich, Vermont on October 12, 2003.
The Next Great Adventure
This worship occurred on October 30th, 2011 at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Upper Valley in Norwich, Vermont.
Celebrate Imbolc
The sacred moment between Yule and Ostara invites us to journey inward to nurture the selves we are becoming. Â Courage and grace to you.
Seeds Under the Snow – poetry and meditation for older readers.
Celebrate Mabon
Autumnal Equinox blesses our families with bounty, beauty, and stability. Â May you find balance and abundance this harvest season.
Finding Balance -Â What’s up in Matt’s life? Â There are too many things to do; can his spelling list help?