October 5, 2020

We found one very darling lupine plant, small, striving,
rimed with frost.

It’s not your time, sweet thing,
now is time to rest.

But it didn’t listen to me.
It kept pushing its roots down, down, down.

I apologize.
You know best when to advocate for yourself.
I will just shut up and stand near and witness.

October 1, 2020

I woke early,
a little bit early, four:something is beginning to be the New Normal,
and lay in bed thinking about all the things.
Then my head lit upon one of the things which is a tasty and tempting to-do
and I crawled out of bed.

Beautiful Sgiobalta has slept at my feet.
What a privilege and a wonder to be the cozy place she would like to sleep.

And then, there he was.
He’s back.
Hello, lover.

And Onward

WordPress seems to not like making new posts this week – I will ask Tech Support to solve the problem. Meanwhile, I am working on a new collection of Moon poetry.

August 17th

Fire tornadoes in the headlines,

But Sgiob and I
(and small dog Max)
had a beautiful woods walk before coming to this virtual desk.

A beautiful spirit gave me a beautiful gift –
and the challenge to use it in good faith.
I have fought the demon which says to lay it by, pristine,
unmarred by me.

Challenge accepted – with a tiny bit of trembling and a tiny false start –
Thanks, Val.

29 July

I have an evening habit of going outdoors
to give the dogs their moment, of course,
but that’s not the whole of the thing.

I have an evening habit of going outdoors
and I look at the sky –

Clouds or moon or Hunter
Last night it was the Mama Bear
and the just-more-than-First-Quarter moon
and Jupiter
and Saturn
and Arcturus

And I realized.
I go out to check on my friends.

27 July

Early to bed,
Early to rise,
Quiet drive through empty streets at sunrise,
Find my way,
Carry my craft,
New water!

Oooh! more of a current than expected,
that was an adventure!
So, turn up this way where it’s wider, slower,

And drift back.

Home in time for coffee.