Sweetheart Mitten


It’s the Cold Latitudes Dilemma – how to hold hands with your sweetie on a romantic walk through the snow without getting frostbite?  A stockinette hand pouch with cuffs!  Add your own beautiful cables or color work, of course.  It goes particularly well with a matching pair of mittens, shared by your non-holding hands. Makes a great Valentine’s or engagement gift. Price is $2.00 through PayPal.  

Celebrate Samhainn

The days grow shorter, the harvest comes in, we settle our debts, and we forgive one another.  When the veil parts between this world and the After World, may your tears be of joy and sorrow, loneliness, and acknowledgement that those we love will always love us.

The Wild Ride Written from the perspective of a young ghost, this story tells of her love for her family mingled with her willingness to move on from this world.

The Next Great Adventure This service occurred at the UU Congregation of the Upper Valley, Norwich, Vermont, on October 30, 2011

Celebrate Yule

The winter solstice is a time for family, memories, generosity, and the re-birth of hope throughout the world.  May it be joyful for you.

Tante Claus  A wider look at life at the North Pole.  Discover holidays – and Elves! – from all over the world, and just exactly what Mrs. Claus does.

Prime Numbers

What’s the deal with prime numbers?  Grab your crayons and discover some great patterns while searching for primes!   Prime Number Grid

Every number can be written as a multiplication sentence – which can be very useful when the numbers get too big or too many.  Here’s practice re-writing each number from 2 to 100 as the multiplication of Prime Factors.  Prime Factors

Damask Blue Shaped Scarf


This very wide, very warm scarf is knit as two long stockinette tubes which loop around and under and over one another.  Short rows and wrap-and-turn accomplish the various corners.  This particular cable is copied from the beautiful collarbone tattoos of the talented web spinner at Damask Blue Designs.  The pattern is very much in “beta test” mode, and I’m pleased to offer it for free until it has been thoroughly test-knitted.

Damask Blue Shaped Scarf