Welcome! I’m excited to announce that my work can now be found in The Signum Collaboratory: for your monthly subscription fee, you will have complete access to lectures, stories, academic papers, fan tracks, plus one Project Room — all with the ability to comment on the work both on the pages and chat with me through Discord!
- In my Project Room for Relic World, follow the progress of bloodlines and heart lines through the Iron Age adventures of a Fantasy world shaped by the forgotten Stories of the past. The Project Room includes works in progress from Seedling to Sapling to Tree where your input will influence my writing as the tales develop;
- A Flash of Wings, my ongoing flash fiction project, offering four or five new pieces every couple of months;
- Morning Meanders: The Wheel of the Year, poetry inspired by early morning dog walks, newly revised for this Collaboratory edition;
- The Old Guard: Sparrow Alden and Maggie Parke, a fan track with my friend the amazing Dr. Maggie Parke whose academic work in film adaptation underscores this sound track of us watching the movie with you and commenting about the awesomeness that is The Old Guard;
- And for your own writing group and to help you comment on Collaboratory projects, The Collaborative Feedback Method and Toolkit is right there in the Library, too,
While you’re here, please enjoy free stuff on the website; there are also some knitting patterns for sale.
I would love to send you a spot of news monthly or so to keep you abreast of my Writerly doings.